5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (2024)

August 14th, 2021
Posted In: Gardening know how

Resilient flowers are an essential part of a successful garden.

However carefully you choose the right plants for your weather, soil or zone, there’ll always be the unexpected weather event. Here in South East England, we usually have quite dry weather in the summer.

But in 2021, we had double the normal summer rainfall. And it was also cool and windy. Flowers were blown about, or were late to emerge.

And this summer, 2022, is one of the driest on record, with a record-breaking heat wave. (If you’re having a dry summer, here is some expert advice on how to save your plants.)

So the stars of the show have been the most resilient flowers and plants.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (1)

I’ve identified five resilient flowers I personally have found both tough and beautiful. Then I checked out what many major horticultural associations and plant sellers had to say about them.

So these five flowering plants will withstand both dry and wet weather, a range of soils and are also hardy across a wide range of zones or climates. They’re also a little less fussy about sun and partial shade than many other flowering plants.

Plus -at the end of this post, I’ve added a couple of good performers in my garden which may suit you. But these last two will come with a hazard warning. So don’t plant them until you’ve checked them out for where you live.

You can also find more resilient flowers in 15 drought tolerant plants that will also be happy if it rains.

5 resilient flowers for your garden (+ 2 warnings!)

Find out more about each flowering plant and whether it will suit your garden in the post below.

  1. Oakleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia)
  2. Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
  3. Catmint (Nepeta)
  4. Globe thistle (Echinops ritro)
  5. Roses – there’ll be one for you

The two plants I should warn you about are Bear’s britches (Acanthus mollis) and Japanese anemones (Anemone x hybrida). They are beautiful and can work in your garden. But they can spread too vigorously. And they are also forbidden in some parts of the world.

All seven of these plants were chosen in the wet, cool summer of 2021. In the ultra-dry, hot summer of 2022, they have also been good performers in my garden. I particularly commend roses for carrying on flowering whatever the conditions.

Oakleaf hydrangeas – the most easy-going hydrangeas

Eleven years ago I planted an oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’) under a tree and beside a wall. It is a very difficult place. Most other plants I’ve put there haven’t survived.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (2)

The distinctive oak leaves of Hydrangea quercifolia or oakleaf hydrangea ‘Snow queen’. This plant has thrived in a spot where most plants give up, with white flowers in summer.

And in the autumn, it has beautiful rich red foliage.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (3)

Oakleaf hydrangea changing colour for autumn.

Although hydrangeas are reasonably resilient plants, most need watering in a prolonged heatwave. But I have never watered my oakleaf hydrangea. Some years I even forget to prune it. So it has survived total neglect.

Most hydrangeas prefer partial shade, but the oakleaf hydrangea can handle full sun, too. The RHS says it can be planted in North, South, East or West facing positions. And it can cope with exposed or sheltered positions.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (4)

Hydrangea quercifolia is one of the prettiest and most resilient flowers in my garden.

It’s also widely quoted as being rabbit and deer resistant. But, as Rosy Hardy of Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants explains in Perennials Made Simple, all plants can get eaten by a deer or a rabbit sometimes.

Oakleaf hydrangeas come from the United States, where they’re hardy between Zones 5-9. So they’ll survive UK, most European and Australian winters.

Note from the ultra-dry summer of 2022: I haven’t had to water my established Hydrangea quercifolia yet, and it is looking good. However two new Hydrangea quercifolias, planted this year, are not yet established and are suffering badly from the weather. Any shrub or tree will need some extra watering in its first summer, especially if it’s hot and dry.

Cosmos – one of the most resilient flowers for a border

I’ve grown cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) almost every year. It always come up trumps, whatever the weather.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (5)

As you dead head cosmos, they bush out, pumping out more flowers and delicate foliage as the summer goes on. Also now available in white, pale pink, yellow and orange.

Keep dead-heading cosmos throughout the summer in order to enjoy flowers until the first frosts. Otherwise I have never personally either fertilised or watered it, even in the driest summers.

Cosmos is an annual, so although it’s considered hardy in a very wide range of areas, it doesn’t survive the winter. You plant new seed again every spring. However, Sarah Raven also suggests planting cosmos seeds under cover in September if you have a greenhouse or potting shed.

Cosmos prefers full sun. I’ve grown it on the edge of one of my East-facing borders, but it strained to reach the light and never looked fully happy. And when I checked the RHS, BBC Gardeners World, Sarah Raven and US gardening blogs, The Spruce and Gardening KnowHow, they all confirmed this.

However, they all varied their advice on soil. Some said cosmos must have dry, poor soil. Our soil is dry, but quite rich. So I would interpret that as ‘cosmos is pretty happy on most soils.’

Cosmos is loved by pollinators. And although it self-seeds, it isn’t considered too aggressive in the UK, Northern Europe or Australia. But there are a few places in the US where it’s on an ‘invasive plants’ list.

Note from the ultra-dry summer of 2022: the cosmos flowers are smaller than usual in the very dry weather. But they are still carrying on!

Catmint/Nepeta – even less fussy than lavender

A friend recommended I grow catmint (specifically Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’) because it is less fussy than lavender. And lavender is not considered fussy – although it hates damp soils.

There are several different varieties of nepeta. It has grey-green foliage and spikes of blue, white or pink flowers. I’ve grown the taller one, ‘Six Hills Giant’, in both borders and pots. I’ve found it indestructible. The flowers can last from June to September. If they over, chop them back and you’ll get a second flush. Otherwise you never have to feed or water it, or certainly I never have.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (6)

Nepeta lining a path. If you’re after resilient flowers, nepeta is even more easy-going than lavender.

Nepeta is loved by wildlife, and is ‘rabbit resistant’, according to plant grower Claire Austin of Clare Austin Hardy Plants. So it’s less likely to be eaten than some of your other plants.

A friend of mine was dividing nepeta. She dropped a clump off for me in my front garden. I forgot about it. The next time I looked, it had taken root. So you barely need even to plant it.

There is some debate about whether nepeta is a suitable companion for roses. Several sites recommend it. But well known rosarian Michael Marriott of David Austin Roses told me it was not a good choice as it’s quite vigorous. Roses hate too much competition for nutrients.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (7)

I planted Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’ (top right of pic) beside the roses in my front garden. Michael Marriott told me it was not a good idea. I think the roses did grow less vigorously when the nepeta was there, although it’s hard to tell.

Many sites also recommend growing nepeta in full sun. But my nepeta has been fine in full sun and partial shade, and I’ve come across others who agree.

When I come across contradictory information on lots of different sites, I assume that this means different people have different experiences. So I’d recommend at least trying nepeta in partial shade. For more about choosing plants for shade, see this post.

Globe thistle – loved by pollinators

I’ve got two clumps of globe thistle (Echinops ritro ) in my garden. Both flourish whatever the weather. This is a member of the thistle family. Thistles are labelled ‘invasive’ (and therefore sometimes illegal) in some parts of the world.

However Echinops ritro seems to be accepted as non-invasive in every one of the dozen national and international blogs and websites I checked. It even has an Award of Garden Merit from the RHS. But check it out where you live before planting it.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (8)

The taller echinops varieties need support. I didn’t support this one and it is sprawling everywhere. And this blue Echinops ritro definitely grows to 6ft, which was not what I expected.

I was, however, puzzled to find that everyone said it grows to 2ft-4ft. Mine is taller than I am (5’5″). It’s a remarkable presence in the garden. The white variety of echinops grows up to 6ft, but mine is definitely not white. Mine is blue. It is adored by pollinators.

There were also mixed messages over whether it must grow in full sun. One of mine is in full sun. The other is in an East-facing border, where I have had trouble growing sun-loving plants in the past. Both are towering and healthy.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (9)

Blue globe thistle (Echinops ritro)

So, once again, I’d suggest giving it a go and seeing what happens.

Note from the ultra-dry summer of 2022: This blue globe thistle has performed beautifully in my garden in both the dry and wet summers.

Roses – there’ll be one for you!

I really thought carefully before including roses as ‘resilient flowers’. So many rose varieties ‘ball’ when it rains (the buds and flowers turn into mildewy balls and don’t open properly.) Roses also need dead-heading and how many flowers you get depends on whether you feed them.

But some are incredibly resilient. They really are. And there’s a rose variety for whichever impossible situation you find yourself in. My sister-in-law lives in Vermont, with four months snow a year. She has a catalogue of Sub Zero Roses.

And two of my roses have bloomed happily through wet summers and super-dry ones. One is Bonica’ and I’ve lost the name of the other. It looks like Eustacia Vye, which was bred by David Austin for its ‘Wet, Windy & Exposed’ list. Both tolerate full sun and partial shade and grow on a wide range of soils. They flower from mid-summer to late autumn, if dead-headed regularly.

Rosa rugosa, the wild rose, is also very resilient. But it is on the UK’s Schedule 9 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act. That means it is considered invasive, especially in coastal areas. It is an offence to grow it in the wild or allow it to grow in the wild. As it’s quite difficult to prevent plants from escaping from your garden, this means that a responsible gardener will think twice about planting it.

It’s still sold, however, by many reputable companies and organisations. I checked six leading plant information/sales websites. All sold Rosa rugosa. None mentioned the issue of Schedule 9. So it’s down to us as gardeners to decide whether to include invasive plants in our gardens.

Note from the ultra-dry summer of 2022: The roses in my garden have performed extremely well, in spite of almost no rain for 7 weeks. We fertilised them in spring, and this has increased their resilience. Good rose fertilisers include Vitax Organic Rose Fertiliser and RHS Empathy After Plant Rose Food. (Note that links to Amazon are affiliate, see disclosure.)

Thugs – flowers that are just too resilient!

Any plant that grows well in many situations has the potential to grow out of control in some places.

For us, as gardeners, it is merely irritating when a plant takes over our borders and refuses to be dug up.

But if plants go rogue in the wild, they often out-compete plants that usually grow there. Insects, algae, mosses and other organisms that rely on the indigenous plants can die out. Then the species that rely on those organisms can struggle. And the chain goes on.

So, in many parts of the world, there has been an effort to identify garden plants that may damage the wider environment. The UK has Schedule 9, as I mentioned earlier. Apart from botanists getting cross on Twitter, I’ve never seen anyone take any notice of it. Though I would be delighted if you could contradict me.

In the US, Canada and Australia, bans on invasive species of plants are taken much more seriously. So check which plants are considered just a bit too friendly where you are.

But there are less vigorous varieties…

In the UK, Acanthus mollis (Bear’s britches) is not listed under Schedule 9. But it is a spreader. Once you have it in your garden, it is extremely difficult to dig it up again.

But it has a wonderful sculptural shape, and withstands anything the weather can throw at it.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (11)

Photographer Mikael Buck came to experiment with photographing my silver birches. He brought this smoke machine which shows off the Acanthus Mollis ‘Rue Ledan’ very well. You can see what a beautiful plant it is and it is completely trouble-free.

I have a less invasive variety called Acanthus mollis ‘Rue Ledan’, available from Sarah Raven. It has pure white spikes instead of purple tinted ones. It’s adored by pollinators. I’ve had it for over seven years and it hasn’t spread too far. Although it is time to divide the clumps.

Note from the ultra-dry summer of 2022: Acanthus mollis ‘Rue Ledan’ has struggled a little. It is still a good presence in the garden, but I have had to water it once.

Japanese anemone – the prettiest of thugs

I hesitated whether to recommend Japanese anemone (Anemone hupehensis/ Anemone x hybrida) because once you have it in your garden, it’s very difficult to get rid of.

5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (12)

Japanese anemones (Anemone x hybrida – possibly ‘September Charm’) So pretty. Such a thug.

However, it is very pretty and fuss-free. So I went online to see what anyone else had to say. The first site said that Japanese anemones ‘thrive in shade and cope with dry soil.’ Very much my experience! Three lines later, the same post told me I must plant Japanese anemones in ‘moist soil.’

Well, my Japanese anemones are in a dry, shady border, which I never water. We have around 26″ of rain a year, which is considered a ‘dry’ climate.

I trawled the websites of other horticultural organisations and plant sellers. Some said that Japanese anemones liked moist soil. Others that it needed well-drained soil. However, all agreed that once established, this is an exceptionally easy plant to grow.

There seems to be universal agreement that Japanese anemones won’t like very wet or boggy soil, especially in a cold winter.

‘September Charm’ has an RHS Award of Garden Merit and a ‘good for pollinators’ badge. However, other sites said that Japanese anemones have very little pollen so they’re not good for pollinators. I’ve just seen two bees hard at work on my pink Japanese anemones.

One site even said it was ‘rabbit resistant.’ Ha, ha….well, it’s worth a try…

Note from the ultra-dry summer of 2022: The Japanese anemone flowers in my garden have emerged and are pretty, but they are a little smaller.

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5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (13)

  1. Rebecca S says:

    August 14, 2022 at 2:08 pm

    Good to read this advice, thank you!. I was interested in the comments about hydrangeas and shady border areas with tree roots and wondered if there were any suggestions for plants for these areas. I really want to avoid removing any trees as they provide privacy.


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 14, 2022 at 4:54 pm

      Trees are hugely valuable, not just for privacy but also for wildlife and to provide shade. In the current heatwave the plants nearest to the trees have done best in my garden, and I have hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ planted right next to a huge conifer. ‘Annabelle’ is beautiful and easy to grow, so you could try her. My friend Emma has a big spreading walnut tree in her garden so there is lots of shade and she grows lots of hydrangeas. If you’re planting near trees, then the most difficult place is directly under the tree canopy – the nearer to the edge of the tree canopy you are the better. This post on planting in shady areas may help: https://www.themiddlesizedgarden.co.uk/how-choose-plants-shade-year-round-garden-success/


  2. Liz Zorab says:

    August 14, 2022 at 2:02 pm

    Wow that’s not much rain you have in an average year Alexandra. We have just over 49 inches!


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 14, 2022 at 4:54 pm

      It’s amazing that we have less than half the rainfall that you do. Just longing for some rain!


  3. Sue Lockyear says:

    August 14, 2022 at 1:20 pm

    I would like to add Verbena Bonariensis and Gaura to your list. They flourished in my garden in France and are surviving well here in SE UK during the current drought/heatwave. And the insects and butterfies love them.


    1. August 14, 2022 at 4:55 pm

      Absolutely! Verbena bonariensis has done well in my garden both in the wet summer and the dry one, and gaura is a good doer too.


  4. Megan says:

    August 9, 2022 at 7:40 am

    I’ve ticked off all but two of your suggestions. I also think Nigella copes very well in hot dry weather and I have a south facing, walked garden in Cornwall.


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 13, 2022 at 9:28 am

      Good suggestion!


  5. RN says:

    September 17, 2021 at 11:24 pm

    Hi, Alexandra, only too grateful for plants like the Japanes Anemones,tough enough to withstand the Spanish Giant slug onslaught!I keep hearing they only eat the dead stuff,but thats along with eating all the newbies,too!!


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      September 19, 2021 at 3:11 pm

      Quite agree re Japanese anemones. I do hope the Spanish slug doesn’t make it into this garden!


  6. David White says:

    August 27, 2021 at 10:44 am

    The only way to get rid of Japanese anemones is to go through the soil with your bare fingers and laboriously find every single strand of the wiry roots and dispose of them. I’ve mostly decided to just live with them as in late August and September they do look amazing and they thrive on neglect.


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 27, 2021 at 5:17 pm

      Totally with you on all points!


  7. Pippa Rubinstein says:

    August 18, 2021 at 8:19 am

    Hi Alexandra. I love reading your blog – a bit of sanctuary in these times. I have all five plants including a small Oakleaf hydrangea. It produces the most beautiful and enormous flowers but gets very droopy. It’s in a shady place but I wonder if this is because it is too damp. Perhaps I should move it….


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 18, 2021 at 2:05 pm

      There seem to be many reasons for hydrangeas drooping – they include trying to grow in an area with a lot of tree roots, being too dry and too much nitrogen in the fertiliser, but if yours is damp and if you’re not fertilising, then I’m puzzled (unless the shade is being caused by quite big trees). I’ve noticed a lot of flowers drooping this year especially early on. Sometimes it’s worth seeing what moving it will do, although it does like some shade. Sorry to sound so vague!


  8. ML Boden says:

    August 17, 2021 at 9:50 am

    Will try your tip of Hydrangea Q under a try in mostly dry shade
    Have been looking for a solution since the rats’ nest was dug out !


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 18, 2021 at 2:05 pm

      Hope it works!


  9. Kathy Maskell says:

    August 16, 2021 at 8:35 am

    Hi Alexandra, in the photo above of your front garden (in the Nepeta section!) – what are the trees that you have either side of the entrance? Are they Amelanchier? Are they pleached or have you pruned them so they are not too deep (if you see what I mean)? I would like to do something similar in a friends front garden which is less than 2m deep (from front of house to road). Thanks and I love the blog btw. Kathy xxx


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 16, 2021 at 5:45 pm

      Thank you! They are crab apples – Malus hupehensis, to be precise. They have that shape naturally, I just take off the branches I don’t want every winter, but it’s minimal pruning and even I can manage it (I haven’t so far needed anything more than a pruning saw).


  10. Cheryl says:

    August 15, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    I have a balcony and would like some tips on training plants


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 16, 2021 at 5:52 pm

      I haven’t written anything about this, but I looked online to see if I could find you anything. This RHS post may be helpful: https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=674 I think the basic principles are the same as for ordinary gardens – pick the right plant for the situation (eg sun or shade), and also check the height it will grow to. Then support smaller plants with ring supports in pots and climb trailing plants up low trellis. But bear the wind in mind – you don’t want to put in too high a trellis because when it is covered in plants, the wind can pull it down. I hope that helps.


  11. Melissa Trimingham says:

    August 14, 2021 at 7:53 pm

    Loved this sensible advice that also deals with contradictory growing information! Really well researched and useful….thank you


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 16, 2021 at 5:48 pm

      Thank you!


  12. Anja Schmalfuss says:

    August 14, 2021 at 6:25 pm

    Japanese anemones! I have some coming in from next door, from when they dug up a border. The plants seem to like it in my garden. I have actually planted it in dry shade in another part of the garden, and it struggles. A bit too dry I think, as it is near a hedge and under a Norwegian Maple (nb one of the worst trees to grow in an average garden, as shallow rooting and early leaf growth).


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      August 16, 2021 at 5:49 pm

      Thank you!


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5 resilient flowers that will thrive in the most difficult summers (2024)


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