Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (2024)

There are few things that I love more than traveling. I love jetting off to see new places, and exploring the world fills my cup in a way that’s unlike anything else. As a result, I find myself on planes quite often, and have my routine down to a science. I know exactly what to bring with me – as well as what not to bring – and my years of experience have made packing so much easier, especially when it comes to bringing the essentials for long haul flights.

A long haul flight is a flight that lasts for upwards of seven hours. If you travel internationally, you’re probably familiar with long haul flights, and let’s be honest – if you’re not adequately prepared, they can be pretty brutal. However, if you know what you’re doing, your flight can be comfortable, entertaining, and even productive – you just have to know what to bring. If you’re prepping for an upcoming trip, read on to learn about all of my essentials for long haul flights. I’ve got you covered!


Prepping for a long flight can be exciting and nerve wracking all at once. You’re filled with excitement for the adventure that you’re about to have, but you also know that it’s going to be a long journey before you get there. Personally, I enjoy flying, but I know that not everyone does, and the thought of spending so much time sitting can be one that many don’t quite look forward to. However, there are so many ways to stay comfortable and busy during your flight – you just have to adequately prepare! That’s why I’ve prepared a list of all of my top essentials for long haul flights. It’s important to always be prepared, and I’m here to give you all of my best tips to get there.

The more that you travel, the more you’ll learn yourself and your travel preferences. Before long, you’ll have your routine down to a science, and packing your essentials for long haul flights will be a breeze. But if you’re still figuring things out, don’t worry – I have the ultimate packing list of travel tips to make sure that your upcoming long haul flight is a great experience all around. Traveling can be a little nerve wracking, but by prepping in advance, you can give yourself a fantastic start to your upcoming trip.

For all of my best suggestions and recommendations, keep reading! You’re going to have the most epic adventure – it’s time to make sure you know how to get there in comfort and in style. Ready? Let’s go!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (1)


As a longtime travel blogger, I’m often asked what my favorite travel products are. I’ve spent so much time over the years curating my travel routine, from prepping to packing to adventures and beyond. As I’ve traveled more and more – particularly overseas – I’ve really cultivated a list of the top products that I really can’t travel without. This is going to be different for everyone, of course, but it always helps to have someone who knows what they’re doing to point you in the right direction. That’s why I’m here – to be your ultimate travel BFF, ready to help you plan for that trip you have been dreaming of. Have a long haul flight in your future? I’m here with everything you need to know.

You might be asking, what constitutes a long haul flight? A long haul flight is any flight that is longer than seven hours. Generally, these flights are overseas – most flights in the country aren’t going to be quite that long. But when you’re traveling overseas, long haul flights are hard to avoid, and they can be a bit brutal – so it’s important to prepare accordingly.

As you begin planning for your trip, think through when your flight will be taking place. This will affect your planning and packing as well – if it’s an overnight flight, you’ll really want to prioritize being able to squeeze in as much sleep as possible, whereas if you will be flying during the daytime hours (and aren’t much of a napper), you probably will want to think through things that you can bring with you to keep yourself occupied on the long flight so that you don’t go crazy sitting still so long.

No matter where you’re headed, here are my top long haul flight essentials. From headphones to travel pillows and beyond, I have you covered with all of the best recommendations. Read on for more!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (2)


First and foremost – when you’re traveling, you want to be able to rest assured that all of your important documents are in one palce that you can easily access. From your passport to your boarding pass, any vaccination cards, as well as credit cards and currency, I don’t ever want to worry when I’m traveling where everything is. I love this passport holder that I found on Amazon, as it has a strap so that you can wear it when going through the airport. It’s super secure, which is the top priority, and gives me so much peace of mind.

If you’re looking for a more upscale alternative, be sure to check out my favorite luxe Gucci passport holders, too – they’re so elegant, and I’m fully obsessed. After all, whose life isn’t made a little more fabulous with a touch of Gucci?

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (3)


If you’re going to be on a long haul flight, it’s always best to be able to get at least a few hours of shut eye, but let’s be honest – sleeping on a plane isn’t always easy. There are lots of distractions, it can be noisy, and sleeping sitting straight up isn’t always the most comfortable. Having a good sleep eye mask, however, can make a huge difference in improving not only your chances of getting some sleep, but the quality of it. Named the best sleep mask of 2023 by CNN, this sleep mask does an incredible job of blocking light, and has a firm fit that will stay in place well. It’s incredibly comfortable, breathable, and the handmade mask is such good quality. Plus, despite being such a great product, it’s super inexpensive and affordable. What else could you ask for?

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (4)


I absolutely cannot fly without noise cancelling headphones. From crying children to loud passengers and beyond, you never know what will be happening around you on an airplane, and I think I would go crazy without the ability to block that all out on a long haul flight. With a good pair of noise cancelling headphones, you can focus on your music, movie, podcast, or audiobook in peace. They also can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to sleep. I love Bose headphones because they’re super comfortable and always do a great job of blocking out excess sound while maintaining audio quality. Plus, they have 24 hours of battery life, so you know they’ll hold out strong during your long travel day! These headphones are absolutely one of my essentials for long haul flights.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (5)


Speaking of sleeping on the plane, I don’t know about you, but I really am not a fan of the pillows on airplanes. I prefer to bring my own – that way, I know it’s clean and I know it’s comfortable. The last thing I want on a long flight is to end up uncomfortable, or to try to sleep only to wake up in pain and starting my trip with a crick in my neck. I always recommend that any frequent traveler have a go-to neck pillow for long haul flights. I like memory foam options as they conform to whatever shape I may need, and I’m especially a fan of choices that both come with a carrying bag for easy storage and are washable.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (6)


A reusable water bottle is a must for any trip. You never know where your adventures will take you, and having a way to easily carry a beverage with you will save you so much hassle along the way. It’s super easy to get dehydrated when flying and traveling, but by keeping a reusable water bottle with you, you can easily fill it over and over again and stay hydrated throughout your journey. I also love choosing a water bottle that is collapsible for the sake of space – that way, when you aren’t using it, you can easy collapse it and stick it out of the way in a purse or bag. It’s easy, convenient, and so much better for the environment – and your wallet – than buying plastic bottles of water every time you’re thirsty.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (7)


If you want noise reduction in a more minimalistic manner, a great pair of ear plugs will save your life when traveling. Whether you want some extra help sleeping or just some peace and quiet, ear plugs can give you great peace of mind. I love Loop ear plugs because they filter excess noise while still allowing you to hear conversations, so they are super useful for traveling if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated but still want to be able to communicate with the people in your party. As a bonus, they’re also a lifesaver at concerts, so if you go to some fun events while you’re on your travels, they’ll come in handy for keeping your head from spinning!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (8)


The last thing that you want to deal with when traveling is feeling under the weather and getting sick, and we all know that you’re going to come in contact with lots of germs when traveling by plane. Hand sanitizer is always one of my essentials for long haul flights so that I can keep my hands clean throughout the long travel day and feel my best for my adventures. Remember to make sure that your bottle is small enough to go on the plane – you don’t want to go over your liquid limit! Grab a travel sized bottle and you will be good to go.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (9)


It’s one of the less glamorous parts of long haul travel, but it’s true – compression socks can be a really good idea to wear on long flights. When you’re sitting for so many hours on end, compression socks can help maintain blood flow and circulation, as well as reduce swelling or achey legs. Staying hydrated and getting up every few hours to move around a bit will also help when on long haul flights – keep that circulation up, girl!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (10)


When you’re traveling, it’s super important to have a well-charged phone at all times. Mapping directions, staying in touch with traveling companions or friends and family back home, and taking lots of photos and videos will all eat up your battery, and you don’t want to end up in a bad spot because you couldn’t charge your phone. That’s why having a portable charger on hand is so incredibly necessary. Keep your portable charger charged and you’ll have your phone battery levels high whenever you need them throughout your trip.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (11)


My lips are always the first thing to dry out on a long haul flight. Airplane travel can very quickly dehydrate you, and it doesn’t take long before the delicate skin on your lips grows dry and chapped. Having a great lip balm on hand is a major essential for long haul flights, in my opinion. You’ll stay so much more comfortable, and as an added bonus, if you choose a great lip balm like this one, your lips will look great as well, with a delicious berry flavor added to the tint!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (12)


Like hand sanitizer, I very much believe that sanitizing wipes are one of the essentials for long haul flights. While I know that the plane is supposed to clean everything between flights, you never know for certain if it was done well or even done at all, so it never hurts to bring a packet of wipes to wipe down your headrest, tray, and seatbelt. It’s just not worth getting sick, especially while abroad!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (13)


Books and magazines are without a doubt absolute essentials for long haul flights. I always want to have something on hand that I can read – after all, what’s better than the feeling of getting lost in a good book? Magazines also give me so much inspiration for my content, and I love flipping through them and seeing what is popular and trending right now.

Happy Place by Emily Henry is easily one of the most popular books of 2023, and makes a great choice for a long haul flight. It’s sweet, funny, thought-provoking, and really fun to enjoy when traveling. It’s not too heavy of a read, and is filled with great characters that you’ll love.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (14)


When you’re on a plane for hours, your hands often quickly dry out. The air is so dry in a plane, and it can be brutal on your skin. I always like to travel with hand lotion that is super moisturizing to stop dry skin in its tracks. I’m often using a lot of hand sanitizer when I travel or washing my hands often, and hand lotion helps to repair and restore my skin from all the moisture that is being stripped from it for soft skin no matter where I am.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (15)


Planes are often kept at a pretty low temperature to allow people to sleep and to reduce motion sickness. As. a result, it’s not unusual for me to end up feeling pretty cold when I fly, especially when it’s a long flight. Bringing a cozy blanket or shawl with me has become an essential for long haul flights. It’s so nice to have something to keep me warm, and it feels like a touch of home when I’m spending hours in a small enclosed space. Plus, it helps me sleep, which is always a win when you’re spending hours in the air.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (16)


It can be hard to pass the time on long haul flights. After all, you’re going to be in the air for upwards of seven hours, and that’s a lot of time to kill, especially if you’re traveling alone or struggle to sleep on planes. Before I travel, I always make sure to take the time to download some podcasts, movies, and music that I love so that I will have something to do on my flight. If you’re an Amazon Prime user, you know how easy it is to download anything that you might want to enjoy on your trip. If you’re not a member, consider trying out a membership for your next flight so that you have lots of content to enjoy!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (17)


There are few worse feelings in the world than being told that your luggage can’t be found, and it’s even worse when you’re flying internationally. Now your luggage isn’t just somewhere else in the country – which is bad enough – but it could be anywhere in the world. When Apple AirTags first came out, I knew I needed them for my luggage, pronto. With an Apple AirTag, you can keep track of where your luggage is at any given point, and should something go wrong with the airline, you’ll be able to locate the bag and figure out exactly where it is. Even if you don’t end up needing it, the peace of mind that I have knowing my bag is connected to an Apple AirTag is priceless.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (18)


I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been a fan of airplane headphones. As much as I love being able to watch movies when I fly, I’ve always much preferred my own headphones to the ones provided, and now that I use bluetooth headphones all the time, I can’t just connect my own. Enter the bluetooth wireless transmitter. With this wireless transmitter, you can plug it in to the headphone jack, then connect your own bluetooth headphones to the bluetooth wireless transmitter and get great audio in your own headphones. I’ve been obsessed ever since I first stumbled onto it!

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (19)


As a travel blogger and content creator, I have to carry a lot of equipment with me when I travel. When you’re operating on the go, it can be absolutely lifesaving to have everything in one place thanks to a handy tech pack, from your many different cords to your SD cards, adapters, and beyond. If you plan to work on the plane, it will be super helpful to have everything in one clearly organized pack, and I love how simple and easy it is to keep things straight with this tech pack. Plus, you’ll never have to deal with the hassle of your cords getting tangled up and knotted together in the bottom of your carry on ever again! Trust me, it’s a game changer.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (20)


We’ve all been there – you’re traveling and accidentally end up spilling food or drink on yourself – or worse, your seat neighbor spills on you. Whether clumsiness or turbulence, accidents happen! If you’re stepping straight off the plan into your itinerary, the last thing you want is to be covered in a stain. (And honestly, even if you’re not, who wants to feel gross for hours on end?) Having a tide pen with me when I travel has saved me on more than one occasion, and now I don’t do long haul flights without them. You never know what’s going to happen when you fly, but you can know that you’re prepared to handle whatever comes your way.

Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (21)


When you’re on a flight for over seven hours, you’ll probably find that by the end, you’re dying to freshen up. I like to take a small dental kit with me on flights so that I can feel refreshed by the end, not stale. Plus, I can use the kit for the rest of my trip, making it a good use of luggage space.


Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (22)
Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (23)


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Essentials for Long Haul Flights | LivingLesh a Travel Blog (2024)


What do I need to pack for a long haul flight? ›

Sleeping Soundly on Your Long-Haul Flight: 6 Must-Have Flight Sleep Essentials
  1. Travel Pillow. A travel pillow can make all the difference on a long-haul flight. ...
  2. Sleep Mask. ...
  3. Earplugs. ...
  4. Comfortable Clothing. ...
  5. Warm Socks or Slippers. ...
  6. Blanket.

How do you look classy on a long haul flight? ›

Outfit Tips For Long Haul Flight
  1. Wear Wrinkle-Resistant Fabric. ...
  2. Carry A Blazer (Trust Us With This) ...
  3. Buy A Chic Bag. ...
  4. Wear Comfy Co-Ord Sets. ...
  5. Be Practical With Layering. ...
  6. Oversized Sweatshirt + Sweatpants = The Ultimate Combo. ...
  7. Buy Shoes That You Can Keep On For 24 Hours.

How to survive a 15 hour flight in economy? ›

Even upgrading to premium economy will give you priority check-in, extra legroom, and comfortable seats.
  1. Or angle for a free upgrade. ...
  2. Adjust your sleep pattern before your flight. ...
  3. Check in early. ...
  4. De-stress before you board. ...
  5. Wear noise-canceling headphones. ...
  6. Pack an eye mask. ...
  7. Dress comfortably.
May 9, 2024

How do I prepare my body for a long haul flight? ›

Top 5 travel tips to help you prepare for a long-haul flight
  1. Wear comfortable clothing. ...
  2. Stay hydrated. ...
  3. Exercise before you fly. ...
  4. Eat nutritious food. ...
  5. Practice meditation and yoga.
Jul 25, 2023

Why compression socks for flying? ›

Compression socks (also called compression stockings) are a type of foot and leg covering that squeezes (compresses) the legs and increases blood flow. Compression socks can be helpful while flying as they can lower your risk for blood clots, especially if you have circulation issues.

What bra to wear on a long haul flight? ›

In contrast to a sports bra, a regular bra will be more comfortable when you travelling on a flight. It gives a better shape and supports your breasts. The regular bra is suitable for everyday wear providing better coverage for your outfit. It is available without padding and wires in the market.

Should you wear leggings on a long-haul flight? ›

Although a pair of comfy leggings is the go-to for many when flying, aviation expert Christine Negroni advises against it, just in case there's an emergency onboard the flight. She told The Sun: "You might have to escape through a cabin fire or there could be a separate fire on the ground once you leave the aircraft.

What is the best outfit to wear on a plane? ›

Tips for What to Wear on a Plane

No one wants to sit through a seven-hour flight in constricting jeans or too-tight shoes — soft, stretchy, and stylish clothing is the way to go. Athleisure sets, loose-fitting pants and tops, and slip-on shoes all make for comfy and convenient plane outfits.

Where is the best place to sit on a plane long haul? ›

Aim for the center aisle seats on long-haul wide-body flights: if you love an aisle, it's almost always better to pick one in the middle section, because those middle seats next to you will be the last to fill up — and there'll be fewer passengers climbing over you than if you were sitting on the side by a window.

How many meals are served on a 15-hour flight? ›

How many meals can you have on a 15-hour flight? In economy class, two full meals and a light snack meal. Also, drinks and snacks like cookies and crackers and fruits and bars are available through the flight. In business and first class it's a lot more choices and done on demand.

How to sleep comfortably on a plane? ›

Our best tips for better in-flight sleep:
  1. Consider the time zone you're flying into.
  2. Create your own sleep hygiene amenity kit.
  3. Find the right relaxing topicals for you.
  4. Watch what you drink.
  5. Don't be afraid to get cozy.
  6. Incorporate a simplified skincare routine.
  7. Select your seat ahead of time.
  8. Don't forget your neck pillow.
Mar 15, 2024

How do you sleep on a long flight in economy? ›

Invest in a pair of noise-canceling headphones or earplugs. Limit your screen time: Being on your phone, laptop or tablet can make it more difficult to fall asleep. If you can, choose a seat you're most comfortable in, whether it's window or aisle. For longer overseas flights, try taking melatonin.

What should I do the night before a long haul flight? ›

The day before your flight, spend some time at the gym, walking or stretching in preparation for spending 24 hours in a sitting position. Make sure you're well-rested, too – denying yourself sleep in order to be exhausted on the plane can backfire.

What should you not eat or drink before flying? ›

Food and Beverage to Avoid when Flying

Spicy or peppery foods – these irritate the bladder lining and cause bad breath, as well as stomach discomfort. Coffee – it will irritates your bladder, make you jumpy and dehydrates you, which means you'll find yourself making lots of trips to the toilet.

How do I prepare my legs for a long flight? ›

In-Flight Fitness
  1. Ankle Circles: Lift your feet off the floor and twirl your feet as if you're drawing circles with your toes. ...
  2. Foot Pumps: Keep your heels on the floor and lift the front of your feet toward you as high as possible. ...
  3. Knee Lifts: Keeping your leg bent, lift your knee up to your chest.
Jun 1, 2023

What's not allowed on carry-on? ›

Firearms, ammunition, and fireworks are prohibited, as are all knives and safety razors (including pocket knives and Swiss Army knives). Straight razors and replacement blades for straight razors are also not allowed. Most tools also cannot be packed in carry-on luggage, as they have the potential to cause harm.

What is the 311 rule for packing a suitcase for flying? ›

You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes through the checkpoint. These are limited to 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item. This is also known as the 3-1-1 liquids rule.

Do and don'ts for packing for a flight? ›

Before Packing
  • Start with an EMPTY bag (make sure all pockets and compartments don't have any items in them)
  • Liquids, gels and aerosols packed in carry-on must follow the 3-1-1 liquids rule: ...
  • Review the prohibited items list for both carry-on and checked baggage.

What should I bring to sleep on a long haul flight? ›

Take melatonin.

Melatonin is the hormone your body naturally produces when it's getting ready to go to sleep. Taking a melatonin supplement when you first get on a flight— if traveling overnight—is a great way to ease yourself to sleep, so you wake up refreshed and rested when you land.


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.