Enter your case number in the field and click the GO button to find case information and court hearings for your case.
' + $('#Title').html() + $('#caseDetail').html(); //add the docket data printData += $('#DocketEntries').html(); //add the hearings if ($('#Hearings').is(':visible')) { printData += $('#Hearings').html(); } else { printData += $('#NoHearings').html(); } openPrintWindow(printData, 800, 600); }); $('#Address').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) { var button = $(event.relatedTarget) // Button that triggered the modal var address1 = button.data('add1') // Extract info from data-* attributes // If necessary, you could initiate an AJAX request here (and then do the updating in a callback). // Update the modal's content. We'll use jQuery here, but you could use a data binding library or other methods instead. var modal = $(this) modal.find('.modal-title').html('Hearing Address
' + address1 + "
") }); function ShowAllCaseDetails(CaseNo) { //if (CaseNo != currentCaseNo) { // var xhr = $.ajax({ // type: "POST", // url: webservicePrefix + "/WebService/CourtDocViewerService.asmx/SCAllCasesByCaseNumber", // data: "{ CaseNo : '" + CaseNo + "' }", // contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", // dataType: "json", // error: function (xhr) { // alert("An error occured: " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); // }, // success: function (xhr) { // //alert('success'); // UpdateDisplay(xhr.d, CaseNo); // //LoadAttachments(); // } // }); //} } //update the hearings display function UpdateDisplay(objJson) { var caseNumber; var caseType; var officialName; var fileDate; var caseStatus; var charges; var caseTitle; var court; var calendarTitle; var hearingType; var hearingStartDateTime; var hearingStartDate; var hearingStartTime; var hearingEndDate; var location; var courtroomAddress; //clear out the hearings list $('#tblHearings tbody').html('
'); var hearingCount = 0; if (objJson.length > 0) { //alert(objJson.length); for (var key in objJson) { if (objJson.hasOwnProperty(key)) { caseNumber = objJson[key].CaseNumber; caseType = objJson[key].CaseType; officialName = objJson[key].OfficialName; fileDate = objJson[key].FileDate; caseStatus = objJson[key].CaseStatus; charges = objJson[key].Charges; caseTitle = objJson[key].CaseTitle; court = objJson[key].Court; calendarTitle = objJson[key].CalendarTitle; hearingType = objJson[key].HearingType; hearingStartDateTime = objJson[key].HearingStartDateTime; hearingEndDate = objJson[key].HearingEndDate; location = objJson[key].Location; courtroomAddress = objJson[key].CourtroomAddress; if (!charges) { charges = 'N/A'; } if (hearingStartDateTime != null) { var d = new Date(hearingStartDateTime.substring(0, 10)); var currentDate = new Date(); currentDate.setHours(0); currentDate.setMinutes(0); currentDate.setSeconds(0); currentDate.setMilliseconds(0); if (d >= currentDate) { rowData = '
'; } else { rowData = '
'; } } else { rowData = '
No Hearings Found for case number:
' + caseNumber + ''; } //var d = new Date(hearingStartDateTime.substring(0, 10)); // d.setHours(0); d.setMinutes(0); d.setSeconds(0); d.setMilliseconds(0); // var currentDate = new Date(); // currentDate.setHours(0); currentDate.setMinutes(0); currentDate.setSeconds(0); currentDate.setMilliseconds(0); if (d >= currentDate) { if (!officialName) { // officialName = 'TBA'; } if (!location) { // location = 'TBA'; } $('#tblHearings tbody').append('
' + courtroomAddress) + '
'); } else { if (!officialName) { officialName = ''; } $('#tblHearings tbody').append('
'); } if (!hearingType == "" | !hearingType == null) { hearingCount++; } } } if (hearingCount <= 0) { $('#Hearings').hide(); $('#NoHearings').html('
Hearings/Due Dates
No hearings found for case: ' + caseNumber + '
').show(); } else { $('#NoHearings').html('').hide(); } // //$('#ResultsTitle').html('All Hearings for Case: ' + caseno); if (caseTitle) { $('#Title').html('
' + caseTitle + '
'); } else { $('#Title').html('
No Case Title
'); } $('#caseNumber').html('Case: ' + caseNumber + ''); $('#charges').html('Charges: ' + charges); $('#caseType').html('Case Type: ' + caseType); $('#fileDate').html('File Date: ' + fileDate); $('#court').html('Court: ' + court); $('#caseStatus').html('Case Status: ' + caseStatus); if (!$('#CaseInfo').is(':visible')) { $('#CaseInfo').slideDown('slow'); } //$('tr.detailrow td.location a.courtlocationoverlay[rel]').overlay({ mask: 'black', effect: 'apple', // onBeforeLoad: function () { // var wrap = this.getOverlay().find('.contentWrap'); // var text = this.getTrigger().find('span').attr('rel'); // wrap.html('
Hearing Address
' + text.replace(' or ', ' or
') + '
'); // $('.apple_overlay').css('width', '250'); // } //}); // ShowSCDocketEntries(caseNumber); } else { $('#NoResult span.caseno').html(caseNumber); $('#NoResult').slideDown('slow'); } } //function ShowSCDocketEntries(CaseNumber) { // var xhr = $.ajax({ // type: "POST", // url: webservicePrefix + "/WebService/CourtDocViewerService.asmx/SCDocketEntries", // data: "{ CaseNumber : '" + CaseNumber + "' }", // contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", // dataType: "json", // error: function (xhr) { // alert("An error occured: " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); // }, // success: function (xhr) { // //alert('success'); // UpdateDocketDisplay(xhr.d); // //LoadAttachments(); // } // }); //} //function UpdateDocketDisplay(json) { // //alert('updating docket display'); // var objJson = JSON.parse(json); // var caseNumber; // var entryDate; // var entry; // var subnum; // var image; // $('#tblDocketEntries tbody').html(''); // if (objJson.length > 0) { // for (var key in objJson) { // if (objJson.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // caseNumber = objJson[key].CaseNum; // entryDate = objJson[key].FileDate; // entry = objJson[key].DocDesc; // subnum = objJson[key].SubNum; // entryDate = getShortDate(ParseJsonDate(entryDate).toString()); // $('#tblDocketEntries tbody').append('
'); // } // } // } //}