The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (2024)

Japan is filled with countless places that inspire and enchant visitors. From historic castles and eye-catching floral displays to unusual landscapes that look pulled from a completely different country, here are some of the most beautiful places in Japan you have to see to believe.

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For an authentic experience in Japan, why not opt for a stay in a traditional ryokan? There are some amazing hotels dotted around the country, or maybe you’d prefer to be more budget-friendly by staying at a hostel.

Mount Koya

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (1)
The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (2)

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The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (3)

Noto Peninsula

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (4)

Comprising the northern section of Ishikawa Prefecture, the Noto Peninsula is home to some of Japan’s most stunning coastal scenery and untouched countryside landscapes. Aside from admiring the natural scenery, the peninsula offers a number of spots for fishing, swimming, and camping. Its main tourist center, Wajima City, is home to fewer than 30,000 people and serves as wonderful place to experience Japanese small-town life.

Shikoku Island

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (5)

Shikoku is Japan’s fourth largest island, located southwest of the main island of Honshu to which it is connected via two bridge systems. This island is also tied to influential monk Kobo Daishi as the home of the 88 Temple route, one of the country’s most important pilgrimages. Aside from attracting those seeking spiritual fulfilment, the island offers some spectacular coastlines, mountain ranges, and tumbling rivers.

Kiso Valley

The Kiso Valley is home to the Nakasendo trail, one of only five Edo-period highways connecting Edo (Tokyo) and Kyoto. Travelers during this time made this long journey on foot and, as a result, the Kiso Valley is dotted with historic post towns where travelers once rested, ate, and slept along the way. It’s possible to walk a section of this old highway, between mountains and through thick forests, as well as visit some of the well-preserved towns.


The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (7)

Shodoshima has a mild climate and a Mediterranean atmosphere, home to beaches, dramatic coastlines, resorts, and even olive plantations. The second largest island in the Seto Inland Sea, Shodoshima is one of the hosts of the Setouchi Triennale contemporary art festival, and outdoor installations from previous festivals can be seen dotted around the island.

1. Kenrokuen Garden


The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (8)

Named one of Japan’s ‘three most beautiful landscape gardens’, Kenrokuen Garden is filled with charming bridges, walking trails, teahouses, trees and flower. Once the outer garden of Kanazawa Castle, Kenrokuen was opened to the public in the late 19th century. Each season reveals a different side of the garden’s beauty, from plum and cherry blossoms in the spring to colourful maple-tree leaves in the autumn.

2. Matsumoto Castle


The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (9)

Matsumoto Castle is one of only a handful of original castles remaining in Japan. Initially built in 1504, it was expanded to its current form in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Nicknamed Karasu-jō (Crow Castle), it’s known for its beautiful black-and-white three-turreted main keep.

Nachi Falls

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (10)

Nachi Falls is the tallest waterfall (with a single drop) in the country, tumbling down 133 metres (436 feet) into a rushing river below. The waterfall is overlooked by the gorgeous Nachi Taisha Shinto shrine, which is said to be more than 1,400 years old. Built in honour of the waterfall’s kami (spirit god), the shrine is one of several Buddhist and Shinto religious sites found around the waterfall.

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route connects Toyama City in Toyama Prefecture with Omachi Town in Nagano Prefecture. The route can be experienced by various types of transportation, including ropeway, cable car, and trolley bus, all of which offer spectacular views of the surrounding Tateyama Mountain Range. The most impressive part of the route is the road between Bijodaira and Murodo, which is bordered by 20-metre-high snow walls from April to May each year.

The Blue Pond

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (12)

The Blue Pond in Hokkaido Prefecture, also called Aoiike, is known for its ethereal blue colour. Tree stumps protruding from the surface of the water add to its otherworldly appearance. This artificial pond was created as part of an erosion control system, designed to protect the area from mudflows that can occur from the nearby Mt. Tokachi volcano. The pond’s eerie blue colour is caused by natural minerals dissolved in the water.

3. Hitachi Seaside Park


The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (13)

Hitachi Seaside Park is famous for its fields of baby-blue flowers, called nemophilas, which bloom across the park in the spring. The park encompasses 190 hectares (470 acres), and more than 4.5 million blossoms blanket its fields every April. During the autumn, the park’s rounded shrubs called kochia (bassia in English) turn a bright crimson colour, creating an almost equally mesmerising sight.

4. Gokayama


The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (14)

Gokayama is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site that also encompasses the nearby village of Shirakawa-gō. Both areas are known for their traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses. These centuries-old houses feature distinct thatched roofs, designed to withstand heavy snowfall. Gokayama is less accessible than popular Shirakawa-gō, and, as a result, its villages are more quiet and secluded.

Tottori Sand Dunes

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (15)

The Tottori Sand Dunes are part of Sanin Kaigan National Park in Tottori Prefecture. Stretching for 16 kilometres along of the Sea of Japan coast, the dunes are the largest in the country. Tide movement and wind causes the dunes’ shapes to change constantly, but they can be up to two kilometres wide and 50 metres high. Camel rides are widely available, causing the area to have an enchanting, desert-like atmosphere.

Sagano Bamboo Forest

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (16)

The Sagano Bamboo Forest is located in Arashiyama, a district on the western outskirts of Kyoto. Paths wind through towering bamboo groves, with the sun peaking between the green stalks and creating an enchanting effect. The bamboo forest is equally famous for its beauty as for the characteristic sounds created by the bamboo stalks swaying in the wind.

5. Nishinomaru Garden


The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (17)

Nishinomaru Garden is a gorgeous lawn garden that offers spectacular views of Osaka Castletower and the stone wall of its moat. The garden is covered with more than 600 cherry trees and more 95 different types of apricot flowers. It’s a popular spot for cherry blossom viewings in the spring, with night-time illuminations held during the peak blooming periods.

Aogashima Volcano

Aogashima is a tiny, tropical island in the Philippine Sea, which is under the administration of Tokyo. The most isolated island in the Izu archipelago, Aogashima is home to an enormous double volcano. The island itself is a volcano and there’s a second smaller volcano found at its centre. With around 200 inhabitants, Aogashima is also the smallest village in Japan.
For some accommodation options, discover our guide on how to stay in a capsule hotel in Japan and book now on Culture Trip.

The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (18)


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The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed (2024)


The Most Beautiful Places In Japan You Didn't Know Existed? ›

Japan is blessed with some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. The country is known for its cherry blossoms, which bloom in the spring and create a magical atmosphere. From the snowy peaks of Mount Fuji to the beaches of Okinawa, Japan has a diverse range of landscapes that are sure to take your breath away.

Why is Japan a beautiful place to visit? ›

Japan is blessed with some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. The country is known for its cherry blossoms, which bloom in the spring and create a magical atmosphere. From the snowy peaks of Mount Fuji to the beaches of Okinawa, Japan has a diverse range of landscapes that are sure to take your breath away.

What is the number 1 tourist spot in Japan? ›

1. Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is one of Japan's most famous tourist attractions and arguably one of the most impressive. The highest peak in Japan, Mount Fuji reaches 3776m above sea level.

What are 3 interesting facts about Japan? ›

Fun facts Japan:
  • Over 80% of the country is mountainous. ...
  • In Japan KFC Is a Christmas tradition. ...
  • 3. Japanese people have one of the highest life expectancies in the world. ...
  • There is a rabbit island in Japan. ...
  • The world's oldest company is found in Japan. ...
  • The number four is considered extremely unlucky in Japan.
Aug 4, 2021

What are the top 3 most scenic places in Japan? ›

These are Miyajima (Shrine Island), Amanohashidate (Heaven Bridge) and Matsushima (Pine Island). They make a beautiful green contrast with ocean. These sites have moved many people's hearts.

Which city in Japan has beautiful girls? ›

The northern prefecture of Aomori has gained a bit of a reputation around Japan for being home to many beautiful women, who are dubbed “Aomori Bijin” (“Aomori Beauties”).

Why Japan is my dream destination? ›

Japan is a land of cherry blossoms, ancient traditions, and futuristic technology. It is a magical country that must be on every traveller's bucket list. From busy cities to beautiful landscapes, Japan offers an enriching experience. Japan is an amazing place to visit with something special for everyone.

What makes Japan so special? ›

Japan is renowned worldwide as a nation steeped in a culture that combines both tradition and modernity. Thousands of years as an isolated island country allowed Japan to undergo various cultural evolutions in solitude, creating a truly unique traditional culture.

What is amazing about Japan? ›

With bustling and futuristic cities like Tokyo to beautiful scenic views of mountains and forests, Japan is a stunning country. This Eastern Asian nation is fascinating to visit! With a wonderful blend of culture and technology, it is no wonder that Japan is high on many peoples list of places to visit.

Where do the rich vacation in Japan? ›

Japan's top luxury locations

Kyoto's rich history makes it the best location for classic ryokan and high-end kaiseki ryori, as well as exclusive cultural encounters such as traditional tea ceremonies. For a closer look at Japan's heritage, Kanazawa is unsurpassed.

Which country sends most tourists to Japan? ›

Highlights: Japan Tourism Statistics
  • In 2019, Japan received around 31.9 million international tourists.
  • The tourism revenue in Japan reached approximately 5 trillion yen in 2019.
  • China topped the list with the most tourists to Japan (9.59 million) in 2019.

What is an odd fact about Japan? ›

Amazing Facts About Japan That You Should Know
  • Tokyo was originally called Edo.
  • The busiest train station in the world is Shinjuku Station.
  • Tourists can shop tax-free in Tokyo.
  • The Shibuya Crossing is the world's busiest pedestrian crossing.
  • The oldest operating business in the world is in Japan.
May 23, 2023

Where is Japan for kids? ›

Japan is an archipelago, or string of islands, on the eastern edge of Asia. There are four main islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. There are also nearly 4,000 smaller islands! Japan's nearest mainland neighbors are the Siberian region of Russia in the north and Korea and China farther south.

Does Japan see the sun first? ›

Fact Check: Which country sees the first sunrise ? The first place in the world to see the sun is the Tairawhiti Gisborne area in New Zealand. Historically, Japan has been part of the Sinosphere, i.e., it was under the Chinese cultural sphere of influence.

What is Japan best at in the world? ›

Japan is known worldwide for its traditional arts, including tea ceremonies, calligraphy and flower arranging. The country has a legacy of distinctive gardens, sculpture and poetry. Japan is home to more than a dozen UNESCO World Heritage sites and is the birthplace of sushi, one of its most famous culinary exports.

What is the cutest city in Japan? ›

Here's our pick of the most beautiful towns and cities in Japan.
  • Hida-Takayama, for old school beauty and top class sake. ...
  • Hakone, for incredible natural beauty. ...
  • Shirakawa-go, for a fairytale village escape. ...
  • Nikko, for mountains, waterfalls and fall foliage. ...
  • Himeji, to stare in awe at an ancient castle.
Apr 1, 2024


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