The Ultimate Kids Summer Bucket List with Free Printables (2024)

Looking for the ultimate kids summer bucket list?! Do you remember Summers when you were a kid? I was an 80’s baby and Summers were different then. They felt long and slow, in a good way. We didn’t have screen time or much at all to entertain ourselves besides our imaginations. My sisters and I would have a great time playing outside all day long. We would stay out after dark playing flashlight tag with the neighborhood kids.On really hot days we would set up a lemonade stand and make surprisingly large amounts of money. After we moved out to the country, we would ride our bikes miles down the road to a camp that opened its swimming pool to the public in the Summer and we would stay there all day. No parents required.

As old as it makes me feel to say this, times are much different now. But I still want those kinds of memories for my kids. These days, Summer feels like it’s over shortly after it begins. We have to be intentional about slowing down and finding ways to enjoy each moment while we have them. Summer is the perfect time to slow down and be intentional about doing the fun things, and repeat traditions you loved from last year and years before.

I love a good list, so creating our own summer bucket list sounded like a great way to make sure we fill our Summer with lasting memories and tons of summer fun. Our list has plenty of activities for the kids to do together and entertain each other, plus some things for the whole family to do together. If you’re looking for fun Summer activities, then look no further. Check out this list I put together and don’t forget to grab your free printable Summer bucket list and a bonus Summer time capsule sheet.

The Ultimate Kids’ Summer Bucket List:

This list of fun ideas is perfect for sunny days, rainy days, and everything in between on your summer break. Complete with indoor and outdoor activities, easy ideas and things good for older kids, every family member can find things to do on this list that will be a good time! You can do a lot of these ideas whether you take a summer vacation, or not! Have your kids read this list for inspiration, and then challenge them to create their own bucket list . They can start right at the end of the school year, so they have plenty of time to complete this list of fun activities.

  1. Play in the sprinklers
  2. Chase down an ice cream truck
  3. Go camping
  4. Make tie-dye t-shirts
  5. Build a sandcastle
  6. Attend a fair
  7. Make root beer floats
  8. Go to a water park
  9. Make lemonade
  10. Take a road trip
  11. Go strawberry picking
  12. Watch fireworks
  13. Go rollerblading/roller skating
  14. Have a picnic
  15. Get matching sunglasses
  16. Make friendship bracelets
  17. Climb a tree
  18. Blow bubbles
  19. Make s’mores
  20. Bake cookies
  21. Pull out all of your random art supplies and recyclable materials for craft projects
  22. Make ice cream sundaes
  23. Go to the beach or lake
  24. Get temporary tattoos
  25. Draw with sidewalk chalk
  26. Play card games
  27. Play tag with water balloons or have a water balloon fight
  28. Host a BBQ
  29. Plant a garden
  30. Go to the pool
  31. Make some duct tape creations (seriously, Google duct tape crafts people)
  32. Visit the zoo
  33. Set up a water slide on an incline in your yard
  34. Have a homemade pizza party
  35. Make homemade popsicles
  36. Explore a museum
  37. Go to a concert
  38. Have fun at a street festival
  39. Make a summer time capsule
  40. Go to a drive-in movie theater
  41. Go to a baseball game
  42. Have a slumber party
  43. Go for a boat ride
  44. Make paper bag puppets and put on a puppet show
  45. Create an obstacle course
  46. Go bowling
  47. Make sponge water bombs
  48. Jump on a trampoline
  49. Bury a time capsule
  50. Have a pillow fight
  51. Visit a zoo
  52. Explore one new place each week
  53. Bake cookies for a neighbor
  54. Start a Summer journal
  55. Go fishing
  56. Try new foods
  57. Go to story time at a local library
  58. Make a blanket fort
  59. Host a scavenger hunt
  60. Go rock hunting
  61. Take a day trip
  62. Ride a ferris wheel
  63. Make homemade ice cream or your own popsicles
  64. Use a magnifying glass to carve your names in pieces of wood (my son’s friend did this, so cool!)
  65. Try out a new board game the whole family will love
  66. Have a battle with water guns
  67. Design and write your own comic book
  68. Explore science projects that use baking soda (there are tons of them)
  69. Play in a kiddie pool with bubbles
  70. Explore your local farmers market
  71. Make paper airplanes
  72. Put on some music and have a dance party
  73. Do a random acts of kindness day
  74. Have a yes day
  75. Go on a family bike ride
  76. Have a movie night
  77. Write a poem
  78. Do a science experiment
  79. Volunteer as a family
  80. Explore a new local park
  81. Write a story
  82. Challenge your friends or siblings to building something out of popsicle sticks
  83. Start a rock collection of rocks you collect wherever you go all summer
  84. Plant an herb garden
  85. Visit a local nature center
  86. Fill up a reading log
  87. Write a letter
  88. Make homemade pizza
  89. Collect sea shells
  90. Play in the rain
  91. Go berry picking
  92. Explore a state park
  93. Visit a local farm
  94. Have a hula hoop contest
  95. Pick a wildflower bouquet
  96. Hand a birdhouse
  97. Have a water gun fight

Putting the Summer Bucket List to Use

Okay, moms, let’s talk about using these Summer bucket list ideas. Recovering perfectionist here (picture me raising my hand). This is not a to-list that needs all the things checked off. It’s just a guide, so in my humble opinion, you should probably present it to your kids like that. You don’t want to turn your Summer into a frenzy to check all the things off the list. I would pull this out weekly and see if there are bigger, whole family activities you might be able to do that week. Then on those days you want the kids to entertain themselves and use their imaginations, tell them to go over the list and choose something they can do together and without you.

Summer can be a magical time of the year for quality time. If you can, try to document your family’s summer adventures in a journal or photo album, so you can look back on your summer days and remember how much fun you had, reminiscing on your favorite things.

If you like the idea of having a list of just the things you really want to do in those Summer months so you can check everything off, you could make your own (possibly shorter) list of experiences you would like your kids to have that won’t get out of control. However you choose to do it, you’re sure to make some Summer memories your family will cherish forever. Don’t forget to get your free printables! Happy planning!

Kids Summer Memories Printable and Summer Time Capsule Printable

Use the button below to download this free printable summer memories checklist and summer time capsule free printable.

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The Ultimate Kids Summer Bucket List with Free Printables (3)


Hi, I’m Jessica! I am wife to Chris, and mom to Kaiper, Alana and Koa. I am a graphic designer, website developer and aspiring author. In this space, I share about everything from parenting, working from home, food we cook, and lots of things for kids! Learn more about me here.

The Ultimate Kids Summer Bucket List with Free Printables (2024)


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